Thursday, May 28, 2015

Matching Pinterest is harder than you think...

How many times have I scrolled through Facebook and laughed at the Pinterest fails?  Let's just say a lot.  I love looking at the disillusioned few who attempt some of the crazy cool masterpieces you can find when searching for kids birthday cakes, makeup tricks, or (in my case) cute outfits to teach in.

I still attempted it!  Fortunately outfits can be taken off quite easily, so the clean-up from my own ridiculous attempts was done before others could see.  Steve was a good sport and sat diligently on the bed trying to help.  Does my husband have better fashion sense than I do...darn right he does!  He still wishes he hadn't asked me to "possibly dress more like a girl" when we first started dating.  Oh, Steve, how expensive that comment would become. 

If I had a lot of money and time to shop, then I might have had better luck.  Unfortunately, teachers do not pull-in the big bucks.  I still wonder why not, but that is a rant for another day.  I managed to put together a week full of Pinterest inspired outfits.  Did I remember to take a picture of them all?  Nope.  I only had the heart to ask Steve to take pictures of two of the outfits in one night.  The other was taken by my dear friend at school.  She doesn't think I'm as weird for wanting a picture.  Steve, still thinks this whole blogging this is ridiculously odd.  He's most likely right.

So, without further ado, here are three of my successful outfits!

Outfit one I switched out jeans for slacks but could not for the life of me find a decent cardigan to go over it.  So I just stuck with it otherwise!

Outfit two, once again I failed on the cardigan.  I switched the light under and color on top.  It was what I had, so I went with it.  Like I said, these were inspired...not matched...obviously.

Outfit three I stayed a bit more true to the original Pinterest pin.  Fortunately I have a friend who sells beautiful skirts, so I had a lot to choose from!

What did I learn from this exercise?  Well, I learned I can try new things.  Always a plus.  I also learned that even though real people post things on Pinterest, I am not ANY of those real people.  Props to the ladies who look lovely and fashion-magazine worthy every day.  I am in awe.

Next time, well, I'm taking a look at what I put IN my body since I tried some new things on the outside.  I may try another round of Pinterest outfits for summer later...if I am brave.

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