Thursday, July 2, 2015

Hiding behind displays of Coke is frowned upon, at least that's what I'm assuming.  That didn't stop me from almost doing just that a couple of times.  I had to laugh at myself during days one and two of my no-makeup challenge because I went NOWHERE!  I hid in my house while feeling great about having no makeup on.  Not quite what the challenge is all about.

Day three roles around.  I'd already made plans to see my friend Anne and get my hair done with Kassi...queue dramatic music... I'd actually have to go into public without makeup on! Not only that, but Windsor is a fairly small town.  In the time I dropped Gabe off, went to the grocery store, saw Anne, and had my hair done, I'd seen no less that 10-15 people that I knew.  This would be where I considered hiding behind the extremely patriotic (Happy 4th of July!) Coke display.

Who, you ask, did I want to hide from?  Attractive movie stars visiting our bustling town? Supermodels promoting that amazing Coke display?  Nope, MY STUDENTS!  There I stood, almost praying they wouldn't realize it was me as I contemplated a Mission Impossible-style dive behind the boxes.  I am not, however, graceful enough to pull that off.  So when I heard, "Hey Mrs. Syring!" I put on my best smile and turned to face them.

They didn't run screaming out of the store!  Honestly, they didn't react any differently to me than they did all school year.  What did I realize from this?  I was still the same person to them with or without makeup.  That's actually a pretty big realization despite its simplicity.  Beyond my student encounter, I was overwhelmed as I saw various friends out and about who not only talked about reading the blog but also commented on how beautiful I looked!  You guys are rock stars and sure know how to make a girl feel like a star!  So thank you for supporting me by reading and just being kind, wonderful people!  Here is what they saw on days one through four...

Side note: I only took one shot today!  So either I'm getting better at selfies, or I may just be starting to get more comfortable with this!

With that said, I wanted to share some of the other pieces of my challenge.  The first is what I'm putting on my face.  Maranda from Grin and Bare it hooked my up.  The set she gave me is pictured below.  I've always been a face-product junkie, the kind with about 50 bottles of half-used lotions and potions under my sink.  So far I'm loving using an actual system!  It's amazing what happens when we follow directions!  You'd be surprised how little adults follow directions, especially teachers.  We like to follow just enough to get away with it but not the full deal.

I've also been eating foods that are known to be great for the skin.  My friend Esther, a dietitian, is probably shaking her head because they're foods she's been telling me to eat for a while.  See!  Terrible at following directions!
I included what my Thrive looks like in the morning.  It's my "breakfast" picture.  It's a 3-step nutritional system that I LOVE.  Ask me about it, I'll tell ya!  The snack is awesome!  It's rosemary and olive oil crackers with feta cheese, avocado, and tomato.  YUM!  Lunch is a strawberry, spinach, pecan, and goat cheese salad with a dressing I made here at home.  Gabe liked helping me mix it.  The "dinner" picture was my greatest discovery because both Steve and Gabe liked it too!  It's a sweet potato and spinach quesadilla with pickled onions!  Seriously good eating!
So, onto day five tomorrow.  The real fun will be the 4th of July (day six).  I mean, really, who plans to go without makeup on the one holiday where the whole town shows up at the lake?  This girl!  Here's to hoping I see some more students!

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