Thursday, July 9, 2015

Well, it's time to come clean.  I'm a big, fat cheater.  The moment came that I'd been dreading as soon as I decided to try the 14 day no-makeup challenge; I got a giant, red, awful zit. Actually, I got three of them!  They weren't those little ones that only you see.  Oh no.  I woke up yesterday morning, and the first thing out of my son's mouth was, "Mommy, what's on your chin?" Ugh. The honesty of children in even their questions.

Knowing I was going to be enjoying lunch out as well as running a bunch of errands, I struggled back and forth with whether or not I would cheat and put a dab of concealer on.  I kid you not, I wrestled with this question for a good half hour! Finally I caved.  It is not a moment I'm proud of.  I should have one of those signs people use when dog shaming, but I was too kind to myself.  Instead, I'm coming clean and confessing.  Your forgiveness is always appreciated...and very much hoped for.

What that leaves me with is, why?  I'd been doing so well!  Why did I give in to my safety blanket?  I thought about this as I sat in bed last night, writhing with guilt.  People have been so supportive!  I've even had women tell me they decided to go without makeup for the day.  My answer is simple.  Acne is the one thing I've never been able to fully control.  For those who know me, I enjoy a high level of control.  Not only can I not control it, but acne has been my biggest insecurity since I was 10.  22 years is a tough trend to break in 14 days.  So, I saddled up again today, zits and all.  I didn't cover them when I left the house.  It didn't physically hurt, but almost.  I survived!  I have to say that today has now been my proudest day of the whole series.  I let those three red, terrible zits fly free for all to see.

Here are the pictures from the last 7 days.  In the one where I have a black tank on, well, that's where my shaming sign should be.  The hat picture with braids is my one from today.

Other than my shame, this post I'm including my recent workouts.  Please know that this has not been a normal week.  One, it's summer, so I have more time.  Two, I'm training for a half marathon, so I have more mileage for my runs.  They say that working out and sweating are great for your skin.  Good news for me as I sweat profusely.  People try to tell me that women glow when they sweat.  I do not.  I pour massive amounts of disgusting sweat.  Fortunately, Steve holds back exactly how much this disgusts him.

Here is my last week of workouts!
July 3 - 3.28 mile run
July 4 - cleaning (yes this is a workout!)
July 5 - 10.01 mile run
July 6 - swimming with my son
July 7 - 12.5 mile hike (see the picture below)
July 8 - 5 mile run
July 9 - I took the day off...kind of.  I moved my classroom from one room to another

Like I said, this is not normal during the school year.  I'm hoping I can keep my momentum going, but I will NOT be doing 10+ mile runs if I don't have to!

I'll leave you with a picture from my beautiful hike with an amazing friend.  My next post will be the last of this series!  I'm already planning the next, so stay tuned!!!

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