Monday, June 29, 2015

I’m a fraud.  I’ve been one since I was about 12.  No, I haven’t been running a get-rich-quick scheme or scamming sweet elderly women out of their money.  I’ve simply been doing what most American women do.  I cover my flaws as best I can.

My history of fraud…

Age 10 – Acne arrived.  I’m one of those lucky ones who now have and will most likely continue to struggle with adult acne.

Age 12 – Middle school.  Need I say more?  The girl with zits, braces, high-water pants, and no clue about hair had very little hope.

Age 12 ½ - I discovered makeup.  Actually my friend’s mom sold Mary Kay and knew that not a single woman in my family wore makeup.  So, she taught me the basics…thank God for Jodi’s mom!

Age 13 – Hair color.  My mom was awesome and sat for hours pulling my hair through those awful little plastic caps so I could highlight my hair.  She was a patient, brave woman.

It continues from there and goes even deeper now.  For a time in college I decided I didn’t care as much and wore sweatpants to class.  My husband, then fiancé, made the mistake of saying, “Hey, you know you’re beautiful, but it wouldn’t hurt if you dressed a bit more like a girl.”  Muahahahaha…most expensive words he has ever uttered.

Now I do the full routine virtually every day.  I don’t even go to the grocery store without concealer and foundation on.  My best friend from elementary school and most of middle school, Christina, made the comment once that I really needed to “Release and back away from the concealer.”  I try to keep this in mind, but covering my skin has become a small OCD issue for me.  I put on my mask each and every day.

My fraud is my armor.  I cling to the safety of societal expectations.  Am I going to go all crazy Britney Spears and chop off my hair? Nope, I’d look like a boy.  Will I throw out every bit of makeup I own and declare freedom?  As of right now, no.  But I am going to give something a try.

I read an article recently about a woman in the fashion industry who went just one week without makeup.  In an industry where beauty is king, that had to be terrifying!  I mean really, would swim lessons and the grocery store really be that bad?  In my mind, hell yes!  My makeup is my safety and confidence.  This, however, was a challenge to me.  And Lord knows I love challenges…especially winning (I may be a wee bit competitive).  I am a huge nerd, though, so of course I had to research EVERYTHING that would make my skin healthier from the inside out.  So, that is the basis for my 14 Day Naked Face Challenge.

For 14 days…
1. I will not wear any makeup. 
2. I will eat foods that are known to help create healthier skin. 
3. My water intake will be much higher than I normally achieve.
4. I will work out regularly (I also am training for a half marathon so this is key). 
5. My friend Maranda owns Grin and Bare it, a skin and waxing studio, and she gave me a complete skincare set that I will be faithful to (this is ridiculously hard for a face-product junkie like me).

And most importantly…I’m going to blog about it.  Below you will see my Day 1 picture.  It took me about 30 tries and a LOT of pep-talking to choose a picture and actually post it.  I turned off the beauty face option on my phone, sucked it up, might have teared up at the idea of posting online without makeup, and went for it.  So, I’m inviting you all to join me as I blog though removing my suit of armor.  Heck, you can do it too!  I know, too far too fast.  It can be scary!  I’m going to post every few days with a new picture, some of my favorite face-friendly foods, a look at my skincare regime, favorite workouts, and more!

How does this fit with teaching?  I imagine overcoming my fear (no matter what it may be).  THIS would be something to share with my students.  Why can’t they throw down their armor, their façades?  But who will teach them to do that if we can’t first?
Here you go...Day 1!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You are beautiful with and without make-up! I am proud of you for being so brave, friend!

    You can rest assured that I will also be make-up free on Wednesday, so bring it, girl! We will be free together! I am a (maybe) 2x a month during the summer make-up wearer. :D

  3. You are beautiful with and without make-up! I am proud of you for being so brave, friend!

    You can rest assured that I will also be make-up free on Wednesday, so bring it, girl! We will be free together! I am a (maybe) 2x a month during the summer make-up wearer. :D
